Gift FAQ
Buy CouponsCoupons can, if they are offered in the shop as normal items are purchased. Once you have purchased a voucher and this was released after successful payment, the amount will appear in your shopping cart. Now you can "Save coupon" link dispatch the desired amount by e-mail.
How to Send Gift Vouchers
To send a Gift Certificate, please click on the link "Send Coupon" in your shopping basket. To send a Gift Certificate, we need the following information from you: First and last name of the recipient. A valid e-mail address of the recipient. The desired amount (you can also use only parts of Your balance). A short message to the recipient. Please check your data again before sending. You always have the opportunity to correct your data before sending.
Buying with Gift Vouchers
Once you have assets, you can use it to pay your order. During the checkout process you have the option to redeem your credit. If the balance is less than the value of goods you have to choose your preferred payment method for the difference. Your credit exceeds the value of goods, you can use the remaining credit of course for your next order.
Coupons book
If you have received a coupon via e-mail, you can book the amount as follows :.
1. Click on the link in the e-mail. If you do not already have a personal account, you have the option to open an account.
2. After you have placed an item in the shopping cart, where you can enter your coupon code.
If you encounter problems:
If it should come against expecting to problems with a coupon, please contact us by e-mail: Please describe exactly the problem, important details are: your customer number, the coupon code, error messages of the system and the browser you are using.